Duny Studios

Best data leak provider since 2022

Results from shop logs when you search for a product name. You should get usernames and product names corresponding to your search.
Results for when you search with an ip address instead of a username. You will get the servers, usernames, passwords and eventually the email addresses.
Results for when you search with an ip address instead of a username. You will get the servers, usernames, passwords and eventually the email addresses.
Passwords from Ajneb97 found with the Duny Studios official bot.

About Us

We are Duny Studios, a little project containing a lot of data.

The project has been initially created by zNotDev, and later Don Baguette (A.K.A. Zen-kun04) became the new CEO.

Duny Studios is not only a project which provides data in a time record (almost 30M data in less than a second), but it also provides hash tools, scanning tools, and much more things we're thinking to add.

Why Us

Why would you trust Duny Studios instead of other similar projects ?

Well, there are a lot of reasons but here are the three main points:

  1. Trusted by a company
  2. Updated developers
  3. Active community

Trusted by a company

Duny Studios has been trusted by PfCloud, a VPS, Domain, IP Address and security provider.

Because PfCloud is trusting us, we can make this project possible as they provide us an offshore VPS.

Updated developers

Currently, I'm the only developer of Duny Studios and I'm always updated about new technologies, practices and security flaws (and measures)(by the way you can ask my friends, they will agree with that since I teached them some things about this).

Also, when I search new developers, I always ask them to show me their latest projects and their knowledge about security and new technologies. If they use native techs (like pure HTML, JS and CSS) I tell them they don't have the required level to join the team.

Active community

Developers are not the only important pillar of this project. Having an active community is essential because not only you communicate with users and have fun, but also you can communicate with them for new ideas, solving issues / bugs.

It's like talking to a person about your social problems, but instead of talking about social problems you talk about improving the whole project.

Beta Test

Currently, I'm still coding the whole project and improving it, but we also search beta testers. We are testing the project and we are looking for bugs, issues, and new ideas.

If you want to join the beta test or just be notified whenever the website is finished you can submit your email here below.

You will receive in your email inbox a link to join our Discord server ;)